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At first Harker is relieved to know he has given the letter to the gypsies, but later, Dracula returns the letter to him. Jonathan asks why he is being kept prisoner; Dracula says he is free to leave but when Harker attempts to leave the castle, he is greeted by a pack of wolves outside the door. Dracula then orders Harker, on May 19th, to write three letters, dated June 12, the second June 19, and the third June 29 that will be sent to London.
Nearby Carfax Abbey is Dr. Seward's Sanitarium. Mr. Renfield, one of Dr. Seward's patients, who is morbidly excitable and has periods of gloom, keeps a collection of insects and spiders which he feasts upon. Dr. Seward is trying to figure out what causes Renfield to have occasional outbursts.
Meanwhile, back at Castle Dracula, Harker manages to climb out a window and make his way to a hidden room. Inside, sleeping in large boxes filled with earth are the three vampire women and Count Dracula. Harker decides to try to kill Dracula; he takes a shovel and strikes Dracula with it. But is dismayed that he is unsuccessful in his attempt. Count Dracula looks up at Harker with a look of contempt on his face.
Mina and Lucy are sitting on benches at Whitby Harbour when Mr. Swales, an old fisherman, tells them about some of the local legends of the area and of the men buried in the nearby graveyard and why dates on some tombstones are wrong.
Later that evening, Mina and Lucy are awakened by the sounds of a great storm at sea and see the Russian ship the Demeter adrift at sea. On board the ship, the chief boatsman was dead, lashed to the steering wheel, while a great dog or wolf was the only survivor on board.

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